Psoriasis 9 Ways to Help You

Psoriasis is defined as a chronic yet non-contagious skin disorder characterized by thickened reddish patches on the skin. This is a recurring condition and is also characterized by silvery white scales which may vary in severity and areas of affected body parts. The genital areas, scalp and nails can be affected.

A lot of patients suffering from psoriasis experience intense emotional struggles while they fight in order to control the disorder. These emotional struggles can sometimes lead to the occurrence of remissions and flare ups all year round. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for psoriasis but it is certainly possible to control and lessen the condition. Optimal control of this disease is through observing healthy lifestyle and proper skin care management. Here are 9 tips to help people cope and manage psoriasis:

Tip#1: Maintain a healthy lifestyle. When you are weak and tired, psoriasis flare ups tend to occur most often. A balanced diet can help in lowering the occurrence of remissions as well. Reduction of alcohol and red meats can go a long way in helping the balance in skin integrity. The increase in water intake and at least 7-8hours of sleep in a day can help keep the body in a healthier state. Moderate exercise around 3-4 times in a week can help as well. Medications have a 30% role in managing psoriasis and the remaining 70% is lifestyle adjustments and modifications.

Tip#2: Smoking cessation is very important. Research have shown that pustular psoriasis of the soles and the palms is greatly aggravated by smoking. Lesions also clear up faster upon quitting smoking. The severity of psoriasis can be linked to smoking, thus it is imperative that patients should quit smoking in order to lessen the severity and occurrence of the dreaded signs and symptoms of psoriasis.

Tip#3: Drink less alcohol. Psoriasis is triggered by intake of alcohol. Dermatologists have reported that even a small quantity of alcohol can cause a flare up of psoriasis in some sufferers.